25HR Complete Video Index Presented in the suggested order for the first time through. Click on an individual video OR click the section title to see all videos in that section. PHILOSOPHY REVIEW VIDEOS Intro to Philosophy History of Yoga Condensed Bhagavad Gita The Eight Limbs Summary Ahimsa Satya Asteya Bramacharya Aparigraha Saucha Santosha Tapas Svadyaya Ishvara pranidhana Contrary Action Body Scan ANATOMY SEQUENCE 1 Anatomy Intro Bioscale Movement Terminology Bone Basics Identifying the Bones Joints + Fascia Skeletal Muscle ANATOMY SEQUENCE 2 Segment 2 Intro Box Basics Spine Basics Spinal Differences Spinal Flexion Muscles Spinal Extension Muscles Spinal Lateral Flexion Muscles Spinal Rotation Muscles Movement Class w/ Bianca Sequencing w/ Bianca ANATOMY SEQUENCE 3 Segment 3 Intro Iliopsoas Glute Max Glute Med TFL Adductors External Rotators Quads Hamstrings Lower Leg Takeaways Movement w/ Steph Sequencing w/ Steph ANATOMY SEQUENCE 4 Segment 4 Intro Scapular Stabilizers Rotator Cuff Traps Lats Delts Pecs Arm Basics Scapulohumeral Rhythm Takeaways Movements w/ Erin Sequencing w/ Erin BUSINESS OF YOGA REVIEW Intro Ethical Marketing Branding Basics Expanding Your Business Workshops 1 Workshops 2 Retreats YTTs Online Opps Non-Social Media Social Media Professionalism